Research Overview

Tianhao’s research is driven by a passion for developing Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems that are not only powerful but also trustworthy and reliable, ensuring its’ responsible and ethical deployment.

Objective #1 → Assess the responsibility and trustworthiness of AI systems.

Derczynski, Leon, et al. "garak: A Framework for Security Probing Large Language Models." arXiv preprint arXiv:2406.11036 (2024).

Based on this objective, we can dive into following aspects:

A full list of my publications can be found on my Google Scholar page.

Research Philosophy

  • The ultimate goal of research is to improve the quality of human life, emphasizing that our work is dedicated to serving and benefiting humanity.
  • Research must adhere to the highest ethical standards, ensuring honesty, transparency, and respect for all individuals and communities involved.
  • Conducting research or managing a research group feels much like running a startup—both require vision, strategy, resource management, and a relentless drive to innovate.
  • Collaboration is vital to advancing research. Teams enriched with diverse backgrounds and perspectives bring unique insights, fostering innovation and comprehensive solutions.
  • Research should strive to complete the cycle from discovery to application, ensuring that findings have real-world impact rather than ending with publication.

Research Highlights

Tianhao Li, Jingyu Lu, Chuangxin Chu, Tianyu Zeng, Yujia Zheng, Mei Li, Haotian Huang, Bin Wu, Zuoxian Liu, Kai Ma, Xuejing Yuan, Xingkai Wang, Keyan Ding, Huajun Chen, Qiang Zhang. SciSafeEval: A Comprehensive Benchmark for Safety Alignment of Large Language Models in Scientific Tasks. ACL ARR Dec Submission.

Collaborators & Co-authors

I am immensely grateful to my collaborators and co-authors, whose expertise, insight, and dedication have been invaluable throughout my research journey. (Listed alphabetically by last name)

  • Dr. Huajun Chen, Professor, Zhejiang University [Home][Google Scholar]
  • Dr. Keyan Ding, Assistant Professor, Zhejiang University [Home][Google Scholar]
  • Dr. Jindong Wang, Senior Researcher, Microsoft Research Asia [Home][Google Scholar][DBLP]
  • Dr. Lijun Wang, Professor, Hangzhou Institute of Technology, Xidian University [Home]
  • Dr. Chaowei Xiao, Assistant Professor, University of Wisconsin–Madison [Home][Google Scholar]
  • Dr. Fang-Fang Yin, Gustavo S. Montana Distinguished Professor Emeritus/Professor, Duke University/Duke Kunshan University [Home][Google Scholar]
  • Dr. Zhenyu Yang, Assistant Professor, Duke Kunshan University [Home][Google Scholar]
  • Dr. Qiang Zhang, Assistant Professor, Zhejiang University [Home][Google Scholar]