
Tianhao Li is a thesis-track MSc candidate in Medical Physics at Duke University (DKU-based), where he work with Prof. Fang-Fang Yin and Prof. Zhenyu Yang. He also serves as a visiting researcher at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, under supervision of Prof. Chaowei Xiao. His primary research focus lies in Trustworthy and Responsible AI for Science (Healthcare), exploring methods to ensure the reliability and ethical application of AI technologies in scientific domains.

Tianhao holds a BEng in Information Security and leads the Special Interest Group in Modern Interdisciplinary Research (SIGMIR) (~20 members). He also serves as peer review experts for prestigious journals, conferences, and workshops, including AAAI, IJCAI, COLING, IJCNN, ISBI, JRESS, and ACM TIST. In addition, Tianhao serves as contributor to the MLCommons AI Risk & Reliability (AIRR) Working Group, contributing to the release of AILuminate. He also actively contributes to NVIDIA’s widely recognized open-source project NVIDIA/garak (3.5K+ stars on Github).


Open to collaboration: Special Interest Group in Modern Interdisciplinary Research (SIGMIR) is a voluntary-based virtual research group, open to all students, researchers, and faculty members. If you are interested in joining, please fill in the Google Form.
